Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Long over due update

Last post I was waiting for the Public Aid lady. Well I heard back and we were denied the first time because we had to much in savings. Bills came up and we paid them with that money and so I tried to resubmit stuff. Must have been to soon cause we were denied again. This is bull.

We didn't make it to Dylan's GI appointment in Springfield because the truck wasn't running right. So now we have to wait till April. He goes to the ENT in March with Alex. I think he has sleep apnea. It is frustrating because I want a reason for why he is hardly gaining but on the other hand it is ok for him to be small. I just want the Dr. to tell me if that is the case.

Terry has now quit Farm King. It didn't have anything to do with the shooting there. He was already getting ready to quit. He is now Lead Productionist at Bridgeway in the recycling part. Hope he is happy.